Saturday, December 16, 2006

How to contact us

Please contact us with any questions or comments that you have about this site, the organization, or its events.

Grant County Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society
POB 1555
Silver City, NM 88062-1555


  1. Could you please tell me if you have any field trips to rockhound scheduled for the week of Feb 11th, 2013. I am from the Houston area and will be in NM for a week.

    1. Our next field trip, always on the third Saturday of the month, will be held on Feb. 16.

  2. Hi! I am interested in joining the Rolling Stones Club. I plan to come to the April meeting on the 10th for the potluck and meeting. Can I just pay my dues at that time?
    Laurie Wilson

    1. You bet. Just show up for the meeting and you can join right there. Welcome in advance!

  3. Good luck with the show this weekend. Have not been to New Mexico, hope to plan a rockhounding trip there next year, and to time it with your next show or club meeting.

  4. Hello,

    My name is Brian Burgess from Huntsville, AL. I am the current sitting President of the local club Huntsville Gem & Mineral Society. I will be south of Silver City in mid March in Lordsburg looking at tailings from some old copper mines. I was wondering if anyone there had any suggestions for places to search in the area. email:

  5. Is there anyone in the Silver City area willing to help an enthusiastic amateur identify the rocks I've collected during our stay? It would mean so much more if I could know what it is I have. We're here through the 13th of February. Anyone?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What time is the show starting on Friday?

    1. Hello, starting time on Friday has yet to be determined. Please keep on checking this site as we get closer to the event date.
