Treasures of the Earth – 2012
March 16-18, 2012
Theme: AGATE
Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club's 43rd Annual Show
New Mexico State Fairgrounds (Creative Arts Center)
Hours: 10 am to 6 pm Friday and Saturday; 10 am to 5 pm Sunday
Admission is $3.00, except Friday is "DOLLAR DAY". Children under 13 are FREE.
We'll have over 40 dealers selling everything from amethyst cathedrals to Zebra rock, rocks and minerals inexpensive to moderately priced. You will find gems (crystals, faceted, cabs, rough, and set in jewelry), decorator items, and jewelry, books and supplies, beads, and lots more. We'll have a mineral ID Booth, visits by a well behaved and socialized wolf, an educational booth from the NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (both a display and maps, books, and guidebooks), grab bags for kids, and three silent auctions per day. We will have displays (about 20), most of them educational, all of them interesting! Displays provided by junior and adult members.
Why have we been doing this for 43 years? Besides being a whole lot of fun for club members and the public, the club raises money to award two $1000 scholarships, one each for a UNM and NM Tech geology student.
New Mexico State Fair Grounds. San Pedro street entrance is just north of Central and south of Lomas. The Creative Arts Center is one block east of our old building (the School Arts building) and is directly across the street from (south of) the Manuel Lujan Exhibit Center.
Contact Paul Hlava, 505-255-5478 for additional information
Thanks for the information although I'm a little bit too late. Anyway, I'm looking forward for upcoming show this coming month of April.